Hope for Cuba Foundation
Press Release
July 30, 2021

Today, as the true plight of the Cuban people becomes a much clearer picture to many of
us here in the US, the need for the current administration to examine and improve relations
with Cuba is moving to a decision at hyper speed.
Recently, Mr. Jorge Fernandez, the Chairman of the Hope For Cuba Foundation (HFC) met with the Honorable Lianys Torres Rivera, the new Cuban Ambassador to the U.S. to discuss ways to which much needed aid can be delivered directly to the Cuban people in accordance with all current OFAC regulations. The main topic of their conversation was realizing the initial step to achieving the ability to deliver aid is to address the present trade embargo.
Fernandez states, "Ambassador Rivera and I discussed that restoring relations between our two countries is paramount to opening the opportunity for not only our Foundation, as well as many others to begin helping the Cuban people receive the support they need". He adds, "We both agreed the current state of our trade policy makes it extremely difficult to move even basic necessities such as medical, food and personal supplies to Cuba, but we are working diligently to overcome these barriers, enabling supplies and aid to reach the
Cuban people most in need. We both realize her main focus is to begin working with the Biden team and her administration to establish a realistic plan to begin a clear direction of mutual cooperation that will ultimately improve US-Cuban relations. In the meantime, our HFC Foundation will continue to seek ways to deliver supplies and aid to the people of Cuba in any way possible in accordance again, with all OFAC rules and regulations."
Mr. Fernandez, a Cuban American, born in Havana, Cuba is also the Executive Director
and Co Founder of the powerful national coalition “Americans for Humanitarian Trade with
Cuba” formed in 1998. He has advised the US State Department, members of the US
Congress and Senate on Cuban matters from a Native Cuban American perspective, as well
as, advised a variety of corporations, Chambers and organizations on Cuban relations.
The Hope For Cuba Foundation is a Not For Profit humanitarian organization. Its key purpose includes providing humanitarian aid to the Cuban people, conducting humanitarian projects related to health and medical matters, promoting entrepreneurship and business opportunities, expanding civil and cultural exchanges, encouraging scientific research collaborations, and supporting a path to achieving full normalization of relations.
For more information or inquiries, please contact:
Daniel Argenas, Hope For Cuba, Director of Communications